Usually when new work is carried out at your property, your installer will give you a company guarantee. This is a guarantee from the company stating that, should any defects arise from their work, they will come back free of charge during the length of time given on the guarantee. Should you have a company guarantee and the company ceases to trade, your company guarantee for the project undertaken would no longer provide any protection.
An insurance backed guarantee runs alongside the installers company guarantee. Should the company cease to trade, your project would still be covered for the remaining length of time of the company guarantee. To clarify, ceasing to trade is due to liquidation, receivership, administration or winding up due to bankruptcy, state retirement or the death of the principals.
Your installer will request an Insurance Backed Guarantee directly from The B T I Services office. Please contact our office before work is agreed and we can confirm to you that your installer is able to offer Insurance Backed Guarantee. We would suggest letting your installer know before work has started that you would like an Insurance Backed Guarantee for your project as Insurance Backed Guarantee are not mandatory by law.
Our Insurance Backed Guarantees cover 10 years (2 years for Solar PV). You MUST have the company guarantee to run alongside your guarantee otherwise, it will be void. The company guarantee should match or go above the time frame of the Insurance Backed Guarantee.
There are certain instances where you may not be able to get an IBG for your work.
Once your installer has requested and paid for the Insurance Backed Guarantee, it will be sent to you within 24 hours. Commercial Insurance Backed Guarantee may take a little longer. Please advise your installer how you would like the insurance backed guarantee sent to you. We can send it via email or post, or both!
Your Insurance Backed Guarantee will be provided in the name given to us by the installer ordering. Should there be any issues in spelling, address’ or anything else, please do contact your installer, ask them to contact us to get this changed and a new policy sent.
Should you sell the property within the 10-year period please advise the new property owner to contact us to change the name on the policy to theirs, at no extra cost.
This web-site is owned and operated by B T I Services. B T I Services is a trading name of Confederation of Roofing Contractors 2000 Ltd, a company registered in England, with the registered address of Association House, 22f Victoria Place, Brightlingsea, Essex, CO7 0BX and with the company number 03346478. Confederation of Roofing Contractors 2000 Ltd T/A B T I Services is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number 968078) VAT Registration Number: 665 9231 10.
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